Friday, August 5, 2011

InuYasha: VizBig Edition Review

InuYasha... I first saw it way back in the day as some very crappy video files that a friend of mine had on a hard drive that he used to use for running a mirror for, or some such, back in the dark ages before BitTorrent, when most people used dial-up internet. But enough nostalgia, the show was cool, and I did enjoy it. I never quite got so into it to watch the entire thing. In fact, I am still only just recently watching all of InuYasha now that it's available subtitled on Netflix streaming.  So anyway, here's a video that goes with this review.
Well, anyway, some things I sort of left out from the video so as not to look like I was just nitpicking localization... other than the downsides I pointed out, I do like the romanized sound effects, but other than that, this is probably some of the worst work I've seen. I doubt Viz is getting any more of my money for this product, I recommend you check out volume 1 for yourself and see what you think. I think it's pretty poor.

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