Monday, August 22, 2011

First Impressions - Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise

OK, so, I will have a full post when I get home from work around 7:30am tomorrow, but of the two shows I watched, one of them was "Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise" and I really must recommend you keep away from it. It's like they took every cliche magical girl aspect, crammed them together with no storyline, and then added some ecchi in...

You know, I like Mahou Shoujo as a genre, even somewhat generic shows, and I am not against some ecchi content, but this shows does none of it well, and tries to do it all.

So yeah, I'll have a new and longer First Impressions post about the other show I watched, YuruYuri, which was better, later on... but right now, I just wanted to jot down how bad I thought Twin Angel was. I don't expect I will be watching any more of it, even though I have seen mention that it improves somewhat in the 4th or so episode, but still remains mediocre.

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