Saturday, August 27, 2011

Been very busy, new reviews tomorrow!

Just an update, as if anyone's reading this thing... but yeah, I had a heck of a day yesterday moving the last of my furniture from my ex-apartment, and then today I hung out with a friend and we watched the first two episodes of AO NO EKUSORSIIIIIIIISUTOOOOO... Blue Exorcist... and then I came home and found out MY XBOX LIVE ACCOUNT IS UNBLOCKED finally. (It was undergoing a fraud investigation because some mean people stole money from me by hacking the account.) so yeah I had to deal with that...

Fun fun, but tomorrow, I will do reviews on TWO shows!

The first review will be for Usagi Drop, and then...

The second will be for Mawaru Penguindrum!


EDIT! Today was once again hectic! Moving takes a lot out of ya... but I am done now, and just getting everything situated. Spent too much money at Borders going out of business sale... got all of Sand Chronicles manga, some Bleach manga, some Trigun manga, and some out of print Tokyopop swag, woot! Ultimate Editions, Battle Royale and Furuba! Tomorrow I will do my best to bring you at least a review of SOMETHING I mentioned above...

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